I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Hahaha, this is what I've been saying for years!

That's from the end of "The Passion of Mel," for those of you who are dumb.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Today I looked out my window just in time to see a hearse, two stretch limos and about 30 cars pass by.

Kevin says I don't update my blog enough.

give me my smilies back, AOL

Thursday, February 26, 2004

meditations on a day less crappy:

There was a girl at Starbucks, and the barista apologized to her for having too much foam on the coffee to fit a lid on the cup. Without missing a beat, the girl smiled, picked up the cup, sipped the extra foam off the top, and handed the cup back to the barista for a lid. Poise, baby.

I like the heft of a $10 roll of quarters. I will like having clean things to wear, sleep on, and dry myself with better.

A grande chai latte fits perfectly in my bike's watter-bottle holder.

Sometimes I like to peg people for fashion reference: chunky cream-colored turtleneck sweater, brown tweed blazer, dark boot-cut jeans, and red oxfords. Mental note: acquire brown tweed blazer.

Current Music: Johnny Western, The Ballad of Paladin

Current Mood: ... less ... crappy ...

p.s. I bought my mom a shirt at an airport gift shop last weekend. It's purple, and it has a fancy red hat on it. Her favorite poem starts "When I am old, I shall wear purple, and a red hat that doesn't go." I revel in my thoughtfulness.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Okay, so, I'd have to call this the coolest thing ever. What is this movie about? I have no idea. My next plan of action is to go find out. But I stopped my internet shenaniganery just to share with you, the anonymous and possibly non-existent readers of my blog (except for you, Tim, we all know you're out there). Mm hmm.

See, who says I'm wasting time by sitting alone in my room all day, reading comics in the dark?

Current Music: NIN, The Perfect Drug

Current Mood: I am wearing my new elf hat. Thank you J. Crew. Also Lori, for chucking said package at my door.

Friday, February 20, 2004

One never knows what one will find when reading the news at 3 a.m. ...

Piranha found in the Thames
from iTV.com
9.33AM, 20 Feb 2004

A deadly piranha fish has been found in the Thames, the Environment Agency has revealed.

The 10cm killer with razor sharp teeth was dropped on to the deck of a boat on the Thames by a seagull, it is believed.

It is thought its owner had released it into the Thames - where it soon died because of the cold and was picked up by the bird.

It was dropped on to the deck of the Thames Bubbler at Halfway Reach in Dagenham, east London - more than 5,000 miles away from its tropical home in the Amazon River in South America.

Crew on the boat, owned by Thames Water and used to pump oxygen into the water to keep fish alive, suspected it was a piranha - but could not work out what the fish was doing on the Thames.

It was fresh and had only just died with marks from the seagull's beak still on its back.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Today I:
1) lay in bed until I could think of a good reason to get up (I had to pee at about 2 p.m.)
2) researched copy-editing jobs that don't require a college degree
3) ate so much Thai food that I still hurt
4) pointedly did not ask Lori how her day was when she came home from having fun in San Diego

And now, some reading material.

From "How to Forget Life Sucks," by Jason Farnon:


Seems pretty obvious, right? You'd be amazed how many people overlook this. Here is a secret tip for you: did you know that you don't have to be tired or drowsy to sleep? I bet you didn't. Don't stay up thinking something cool is going to happen. Don't go hang out with people who suck as much as you. You know nothing cool will happen. It never does. But you waste your time like a moron going "out" and coming back with no satisfaction whatsoever. Why not just stay home and sleep? Your bed is warm, and nobody can bother you. You can't be frustrated with trying to do anything cool, because you never attempted anything to begin with.

Sleep eighteen hours a day if you can get away with it. Sleep any place where you know you will not get sodomized. You know you don't have to be social if your eyes are closed. I have learned that if people think you're sleeping, they won't try to talk to you. You know how much you hate that interaction thing. Plus, when you sleep, you'll feel better. For all the hours you've wasted doing nothing, you could do something that makes you happy. Just accept that you will die a worthless piece of shit having contributed nothing worthwhile to this hypocritical shithole society. It makes doing nothing so much easier. They don't deserve your brilliance anyway.

Current Music: Elbow, Snooks (Progress Report)

Current Mood: ... yeah.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Once more, USC says "What? You're a student? Well FUCK YOU!"

So I called the USC dental practice about a week ago to schedule a dentist appointment, 'cause it's been too long. How long, I'm not going to say. At any rate, the girl on the phone told me I had a 4 p.m. appointment with Dr. Wong at the practice, which is in University Village (the shopping center across from school). I just went there, 15 minutes early so I could fill out paperwork, and was told I didn't have an appointment with anyone there. I went down the hall to check at the oral health clinic, and the lady said I'd had a 1 p.m. appointment with Dr. Yee, at the dental school across the street. Also, I had another appointment at 2:50 on the 24th. I tried to convince her of what the girl on the phone had told me, but she was having none of it. She told me to go across the street, up two floors, have them page Dr. Yee at the desk, and then ask him what I should do. I said, "Uh huh, right," and then went to Subway and had a sandwich. And now I'm bitching to my blog. God dammit.

Anyway, I just tore through the entire series of "Preacher," which is about a Texas preacher posessed by a spirit more powerful than God, who hunts down God to make him pay for fucking both heaven and earth up. Also, a 97-year-old Irish vampire named Cassidy. It's unbelievably violent, and full of man-rape and other sexual deviance, and features language so foul it would knock your mother out -- and it's fuckin' GREAT! Go read it. Now.

now I swear like an Irish vampire

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Man, I should not have gone for the real coffee. I was sickly for a long time (like, since summer) with digestive troubles (I'll be nice and not elaborate) and just found out recently that it was all caffeine's fault. So I've been drinking decaf. But tonight, I was all "I'm grouchy and I want real coffee" and now I'm regretting it. Should've known better, oh well.

So, let's talk about Pliny. Pliny the Younger, that is. We're reading his letters in Latin class, you see. Latin prose is generally not my thing, probably because I studied too much poetry in my impressionable youth, but I like Pliny. I just finished reading a letter he wrote about his uncle, Pliny the Elder -- you know, the one who died at Pompeii, because he just had to get a closer look at Vesuvius. Little Pliny's letter really gives one an idea of the man who would do such a thing. He wrote some hundred-odd books entirely between the ages of 40 and 60, says his nephew, meanwhile serving a public office and hanging out with Vespasian. It's inspiring, really.

Younger Pliny is a much more accesible author than Cicero or some of those other stodgy bastards; maybe that's why he's considered a lesser writer by scholars. Poo on them.

can I spend all my time at Starbucks, please?

Monday, February 02, 2004

So, things happening in my life:

Lori and I kidnapped Sara's little brother Theo while Sara was out of town and made him play videogames with us. It was super neato, especially since Sanjay showed me how to destroy people with Samus in Super Smash Bros. Melee (thanks Sanjay!).

In my search for excellent coffee, I've discovered that a Grande Raspberry Mocha with whipped cream at Starbucks hits the spot. Almond's not bad either.

The one and only Tim Maness responded to my posts (go Tim!)

I've been playing Simpsons: Hit and Run and Diablo II incessantly. Diablo just never stops being fun, and Hit and Run may be a GTA ripoff, but it's awesome. Now I can't stop spouting Apu-isms such as "that car belongs in the bargain bin!" Plus, Theo loaned us his Xbox, so now I can play Knights of the Old Republic. Yay! And don't even get me started on Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II -- it's next on my Gamefly list, and I CAN'T WAIT.

Does anyone want to buy me a Gameboy SP? I love you ... =]

Current Music: Strokes: Room on Fire

Current Mood: (yawn)
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