I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Mm, Christmas. Well, sort of. This has got to be the least festive Christmas break I've ever had, but I'm still having a good time. I've been hanging out with Kevin every moment I haven't been asleep or sick (boy do vomiting and fever put ME in a holiday mood) and I haven't called any of my other friends. I SUCK. A little, anyway. (suck)

Yesterday I beat Myst. I started it the day before. It was a lot easier than I remembered, although maybe beating it before helped. I cheated last time, though. This time I used my brain. Can't get Riven to work on the laptop, though . The instructions should really include "and if you're using a Mac, FUCK YOU, haha." The third one is OS X native, but I don't wanna skip ahead.

Monday, December 15, 2003

I just had this really weird diaphragm spasm that woke me right up. Nothing like unexpected, searing pain to shake off the drowsies. At any rate, here is a middle-of-the-night post. It's better than no post at all.

This evening I went with Lori to church. I'm not religious at all, but her church was doing a Christmas concert thingy and I like Christmas concert thingies, so I went. It was far nicer than I'd even suspected. I felt as though I spent two hours soaking, and some of the bitterness soaked right out of me. Like being blanched, I told Lori (see that post with the exploding pumpkin seeds). Her church is this enormous, fancy affair at the top of a cliff on Mulholland Drive. It was incredibly foggy when we arrived, so there was no view at all. When we left, though, I turned to see the giant window behind us, and was mesmerized. Lori had to come grab me and drag me outside, where there was an even better view. It was the whole city, laid out across the horizon like some shimmering dream. I wanted to stay, but Lori was cold. It was cold. And windy.

But nice.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

It's quite a shock when you run to the door in your bathrobe, expecting your roommate, and find a middle-aged hispanic man. But he fixed the sink, therefore he's my new favorite person.

In other news, I finally got my very own copy of Mike Mignola's "The Incredible Screw-On Head." Woo! Are you ready for "Hellboy," the movie?

heaven's gonna burn your eyes

Saturday, December 06, 2003

True Story: Since I went to that concert where Beck talked about Elliott Smith, I've been seeing Elliott Smith everywhere. I read about him in three different magazines, and my friend Jason made me a whole Elliott Smith CD and hid it outside my door, under a mop. The mop is unrelated. What is related is that Jason markered a great design on the CD, with a tattoey sort of heart w/ a sword in it. I knew Messr. Smith died recently, because Beck played one of his songs in memoriam. What happened to him? I asked Jason the other night. "He stabbed himself in the chest," said Jason. "Didn't you see my CD?"

Current Music: guess who!

Current Mood: blue -- my favorite color, but not a nice place to be

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

So I read in the news today about how Donald Rumsfeld won an award from the Plain English Campaign for a remark he made last February, something about "unknown unknowns." I have not been party to many of Mr. Rumsfeld's speeches, but I guess he talks kind of strangely. According to a BBC report, a book has been published interpreting some of his comments as existentialist poetry. Hee hee.

In other news, Penny Arcade's "Child's Play" thingy seems to be going really well. I'm poor, so I can really appreciate that at least two PS2s (at $180 a pop) have been bought already. "Child's Play" is sort of a fundraiser to give toys to really sick kids at a hospital somewhere up there in the left part of the country. Go PA! I think maybe I'll buy a black ballet barbie doll to send (it's on the kids' wish list). That'll be my good deed this X-Mas.

"I believe what I said yesterday. I don't know what I said, but I know what I think ... and I assume it's what I said." -- Donald Rumsfeld

Current Music: something classical

Current Mood: chai-tastic
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