I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Friday, September 30, 2005

I sit in front of a computer all day

I was just shuffling some papers on my desk, checking the pages of a fax, when I realized that I'd pulled some of the pages out of order. Then I caught myself whispering "CTRL Z! CTRL Z!" No luck there.

In other news, I'm seeing Serenity tonight with Lori. I think most of my friends are more excited about this than I am (I never watched Firefly, so I'd rather see Mirrormask), but it's nice to get out of the house. That is because, as I think I mentioned somewhere recently, I have certain habits involving sitting and computers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I find these things so you don't have to bother

Reprographics is having a guest week, and today's strip was GREAT, and then I went to look at the artist's usual strip, and it too is GREAT, so here are some links. Also a run-on sentence.



Check out this guest strip too, it was unfeasibly awesome: http://www.chrisyates.net/reprographics/index.php?page=146

It is by the guy who does The Unfeasible Adventures of Beaver and Steve (http://www.beaverandsteve.com).

You should look at Reprographics' regular posts, too, because they are pretty spectacularly awesome! Okay!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Not Unexpected

I watched a lot of strange TV in Amsterdam. Many shows they import and just run subtitles on, which is why all Dutch children speak perfect English. Others, though, they make on their own, and that is some straaa-aaa-a-aa-nge television. My favorite involved a hipster-looking fella with spiky hair and thick-framed glasses presenting risqué videos straight off of the Internet. You know those stupid things you forward to your friends? This was that. On TV.

Anyway there was a link on Metafilter today about a new Dutch reality show where people do drugs and try sex acts on air, then describe how it felt. So, so very Dutch.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A few weeks ago, I looked up the Aqualung junk for sale on eBay, and lo and behold were two albums I had just been wishing for! And soon they were mine, for the low, low, LOW price of a British pound each, plus a pound for shipping. CHEAP, and AWESOME.

Fabulous Imported Music

Also, I feel kind of silly, posting pictures of my cats, but here you go. Have I reached a new low? Nah. The little one is Jupiter, and the confused one is Trigger.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

how do you answer a bananaphone?

Something about this makes me want to laugh until milk comes out my nose. I was a big Raffi fan, though. Maybe you were not. You know, if you lived your childhood in a joyless pit or something.

On an unrelated note, is it mistakenly anthropomorphizing my food to find it very sneaky that a loaf of bread grew mold only on the side I couldn't see? Gotta not buy Jerky Brand™ next time.

Answer: Yello'

Thursday, September 08, 2005


There is a man holding a live chicken standing outside my apartment. I think he's trying to sell it to my neighbors. He keeps saying "pollo" and "sabor" and ... wait I think he took the chicken inside. I repeat, the chicken has entered the building.

...the hell?


ka-ta-ma-ri! ka-ta-ma-ri!

Current Music: na naaaaa, na na na na na na naaa

Current Mood: elated

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Misled by Tron

Remember William Gibson's future? The Internet was going to be a place you could actually go, and fight evil programs with discs made of light. And lasers. But no, the Internet is what my Grandma uses to look up knitting patterns. Somebody's been lying to me!

Jeff Rowland has a meditation on this subject today.

Also over the weekend I played a game called Rez that Tech Support stole off the Intarweb and put on Lil Bro's Dreamcast. Now that is what the future was supposed to look like.

I'm totally hotlinking this picture, sorry Japan.

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