I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

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Dude, not my fault

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Not that smooth

I've been having a hard morning. My car wouldn't start, and once I'd woken Nick up so he could jump it, I drove off while my purse was still in his living room. Of course, by that time I was running late, so I had to leave the car running and unlocked while I ran into my apartment to dress for work. Good thing it was still there when I came back. Naturally, my coworkers decided the best thing to do would be to give me crap about fixing it (and how am I going to do that, guys, with no money or ID?).

Anyway, I had to take a Self-Pity Moment™ in the ladies' room. I'll just splash cold water on my eyes to get rid of the redness. Nobody will notice. When I left that bathroom, I looked totally composed. So smooth, I thought. And then when Tim asked me what I wanted for lunch, what came out of my mouth was a snot-clogged, wavery little I've-been-crying voice. Oops.
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