I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today was awful, and I'm ready for it to be over. But nevermind that — on to (marginally) more exciting things!

Trader Joe's has an amazing new product: A whole chunk of not-quite-parmesan-but-close that comes right there in its own little grater! Squee! It makes teeny tiny little shreds of cheese, and there's nothing to clean when you're done!

I was eating (snarfing) half a not-quite-a-cantelope-but-close (also from TJ's) when I noticed that it matched my new flowers. Coincidence? Most likely!

Current Music: the ultra-soothing Sufjan Stevens

Current Mood: resigned
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