Tuesday, January 04, 2005
So I'm sitting here, thinking about words. And I wonder to myself "What's the difference, really, between 'avenge' and 'revenge'?" I looked it up, and now I'm gonna tell you:
So I'm sitting here, thinking about words. And I wonder to myself "What's the difference, really, between 'avenge' and 'revenge'?" I looked it up, and now I'm gonna tell you:
Avenging, says Merriam-Webster's 4th ed. Unabridged Dictionary, is when you take vengeance on someone or something on behalf of someone else. It implies vengeance above and beyond the original transgression.I'm still gonna call my super-hero team the Revengers.
Revenge, on the other hand, is vengeance carried out for oneself. It implies an evening of the score, with a dash of petty malice thrown in.