I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Fixing me

With fewer major things (failing school hate everything no money waah!) bothering me, I can now focus on other things. The little things. For instance, why am I 22 and still suffering from constant acne along my lower jaw? Anyone? I was pondering this the other night and thought "A dermatologist. That's what I need."

Then I started to wonder what a dermatologist would do. Give me some cleanser to use every day? Sell me some special cream? I have these things, I realized. The problem is not my skin, it's me. I forget to use my acne stuff on a regular basis. It's not more stuff I need, it's better habits. A dermatologist won't give me those, no matter how much I pay.

The longer I live, the more I realize that there are no magic solutions. Whether that's good or bad, I'm not sure.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I do the bog-womp.

Do you have mondegreens? Come on, you know you do.


For years I was convinced that that song "Under the Boardwalk" was actually about some kind of dance involving swamp creatures. Really.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

OMG ROFLMAO — yeah, you heard me. Postmodernism Generator! Read the bottom, kids.

What's up with everybody dying lately? Do famous people have some sort of inborn obsolescence requiring them to all croak at once? Yeah, I just said obsolescence. Try to cope. I always feel vaguely guilty when people I've heard of die, as though I should have made better use of them during their lifetimes. Jacques Derrida is one of these — I'd heard his name, I'd heard of deconstructionism, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I was talking to Luke on AIM when he heard the news over the radio and said, in his particularly Lukeish way, "Shit! Derrida is essential." He told me what pancreas is in Russian, some polysyllabic nightmare I've since forgotten (Mssr. Derrida died of pancreatic cancer, and Luke is currently in Moscow, so there you go). Anyway, in an effort to educate you, the masses, I offer a link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,,1325283,00.html. Go read what some "experts" have to say.

Some are undoubtedly jacqued at his passing; others were probably happy to get derrida him, no matter what they say out loud.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Lately I've been nostalgic for fall. The golden light in the late afternoon, the cool mornings when I drive to work — those are lovely, but they're making me miss actual seasons. Fall was my favorite in Virginia. It combined the excitement of starting school with the expectation of holidays and sort of padded it with colorful leaves and pie: pumpkin pie. It started out as a Turkey Day thing with my family, then sort of bled over to Christmas and Halloween. Anyway. I was just listening to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons," and it made me remember how nice rain can be. Don't get me wrong — fall can mean a lot of cold, gray skies, and crappy weather — but the occasional rain was nice. Specifically, being warm and dry inside a raincoat is nice, and blowing clouds with your breath while you wait for the bus (which you know will smell like damp rubber but will let you snooze and watch wet trees pass by) is not bad either. I'd like to wear a coat and crunch through some leaves. Maybe I should corral some other displaced east-coasters and arrange a coat-and-leaf-crunching party? Hmm.

I redid the links on the left. This is merely a temporary thing, since I plan to collect graphical links for all my comics, but I am lazy, and must take a half-step at a time. Hover over them and read the alt text, if you are retarded like me and enjoy things like that.

Current Music: il quattro stagione (ooh! I am so fancy.)

Current Mood: daydreamy

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