Wednesday, September 08, 2004
The office manager came to see me today. She closed my door, looked at me, and asked, "How do you like your job?" And I thought "Holy shit, I'm getting fired!" I told her I loved it, fighting panic, and she nodded and said "Well everyone here loves you. I've heard only good things from everybody, and I wanted to tell you you'll see an increase of a little over a dollar an hour on your next paycheck." A raise! I got a raise! "A little over a dollar an hour" may not sound like much, but I did the math: I'm now making $30k a year! Yes folks, that's THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Yaaaaaay me!
Current Music: Elvis (Costello, that is)
Current Mood: buoyant
Current Music: Elvis (Costello, that is)
Current Mood: buoyant