I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Friday, July 09, 2004

It's all about the important things in life, you know? I just looked at the selection of stories on Google News: the terrorism report was released (nah, boring, heard it on the radio), a swimmer broke a world record at the Olympic trials (read it yesterday), people are getting killed in Iraq (as usual) ... What?! David Bowie had emergency heart surgery?! Must read!
In other news, my mom's visiting this week. Is it wrong that I love her and all, but I'm mostly glad she'll be able to help me with the administrative stuff I hate doing, like getting my car checked on and dealing with the DMV? This is what moms do, I think.

Speaking of strange priorities, I've been singing in my car lately on the way home from work, which makes me check the back seat compulsively to see if anyone snuck in there. It's not so much that I worry about being robbed/raped/killed, I just don't want anyone to hear me singing.

la la la LA
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