I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

a lame comic extravaganza

I keep doing these, for some reason. My life is so amusing I have to share, I guess. I feel better when I record events that don't suck. Anyway, Lori and I went to see Hellboy with Sara's little bro Theo -- he's exceptionally cool, for a 14-year-old -- and I've drawn him much smaller than he actually is because I was trying to make him look young. He's about half an inch taller than me, now. Grumble grumble whippersnapper. Part four concerns a certain ill-fated sandwich of mine.

Tales from the real, pt. 3

Tales from the real, pt. 4

Current Music: Fiona Apple, A Mistake

Current Mood: somewhat less awful
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