I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

<< current

Dude, not my fault

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Just when I think I'm doing fine ...

I went to Starbucks for something cold to drink because it's hot outside and I was feeling kind of blah, and I decided to be daring and order a new "cafe vanilla" frappuccino. The store was packed, mostly people studying for exams I guess. Anyway the guy put a white drink on the counter but didn't say who it belonged to, and it just sat there for five minutes until he came back, looked irritated, picked it up and shouted "MEG!" And I was like "hunh?" but I went up to him and ...

me: I ordered a cafe vanilla
guy: that's it
me: no, cafe vanilla
guy: that's it right there
me: but there's no coffee in this

and then the guy just turned away, and I could feel everyone looking at me, so I took the stupid plain vanilla frappuccino and left. And then I cried, all the way home. Because I wanted coffee.

I hate everything
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