I wasn't there, I know nothing.

Meg Lasswell writes about comics sometimes. She'll also be your friend, if you bring her coffee.


Reading makes your brain go "ping"

People I know say the darndest things

Other people are okay too, I guess

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Dude, not my fault

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm too lazy by far to write this all out again. I went to see a showing of "Clerks" at the Arclight theater Tuesday. There was a Q and A with Kevin Smith and friends afterward for the 10th anniversary DVD of the movie, which'll be out in October.

Master Abernathy: so I saw kevin smith
Master Abernathy: and jason mewes
Anakin722: was he clean & sober?
Master Abernathy: he may not have had anything to drink, but man, he was
acting strangely
Master Abernathy: very, very ill at ease
Anakin722: so how was it?
Anakin722: kevin is usually very funny
Master Abernathy: he was great
Master Abernathy: but man, almost all of those people asking questions
... oy vey
Master Abernathy: it makes me feel very cool and well adjusted
Master Abernathy: kevin pretty much took it in stride, though
Master Abernathy: I hope they keep the part where he told one idiot to
"go sit the fuck back down"
Anakin722: what was that in response to?
Master Abernathy: the guy just wouldn't shut up
Master Abernathy: you know, typical class-clown type, doesn't care if he
sounds retarded or that everyone hates him, as long as people are
watching him
Master Abernathy: and then there was the dumpy middle-aged woman dressed
entirely in black, with a black beret and a giant wad of curly red hair
Master Abernathy: "oh kevin, how did you get so cute? you're like a big
teddy bear!" ... that was her question.
Anakin722: what a GREAT question
Master Abernathy: kevin was like "um, I eat a lot of twinkies? it's not
cute, it's fat."
Anakin722: did you use my question?
Master Abernathy: no, somebody asked that, but then most of the crowd
was like "read the box!"
Master Abernathy: kevin said dante is basically who he was, and randall
is based on his friend brian, which is who he wanted to be
Master Abernathy: did you know he actually worked in that quick stop at
the time?
Master Abernathy: he'd work there during the day and then they'd film
all night
Anakin722: yeah
Anakin722: so what did you ask?
Master Abernathy: oh, nothing
Master Abernathy: I sat quietly and watched the sideshow
Master Abernathy: man, kevin was tearing into those people
Master Abernathy: not that they didn't deserve it
Anakin722: I'm sure someone asked the inevitable sequel question
Anakin722: or whined for a return to the Askew-niverse
Anakin722: while complaining how Jersey Girl sucked
Master Abernathy: nobody mentioned jersey girl, actually
Anakin722: I still want to see JG
Master Abernathy: they threatened us on pain of death that all questions
had better be clerks-related
Master Abernathy: and somebody did ask the sequel question, and kevin
was like "well, what do you guys want?" and everybody cheered, and he
said "so, yes"
Master Abernathy: ooo! NAVY seals!
Anakin722: "how much is this?" (big 99 cent sign pointing to it)
Master Abernathy: "I could do without the customers at the video store"
Master Abernathy: "which ones?"
Master Abernathy: "all of them"
Anakin722: "what's your cat's name?"
Anakin722: "annoying customer"
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